The water crisis
already affects the entire planet

To visualize the scope of the SOLUTION, let’s get a little closer to the PROBLEM.

Water scarcity is a global problem. We can mention many numbers, quantities, statistics… But those who suffer every day are people… families, children, daughters, parents, sisters, friends… they are lives. They are not recorded data, they are lives, deaths, hunger, thirst, diseases, violence, fear, sadness… it is helplessness.
One in three people in the world does not have access to drinking water.
More than half of the world’s population lacks access to safe sanitation services. Due to lack of safe water, 1.5 million children under 5 years of age die each year.
The excessive use of groundwater reserves is causing a decrease in agricultural yields.
The excessive use and pollution of water resources already significantly affects biodiversity.
Regional conflicts over scarce water resources continue to increase until they become armed conflicts.

By 2025, it is estimated that 1.9 billion people will live in regions with absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the world’s population will be in a situation of water stress. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

The global water crisis is the number one problem to solve if we want there to be a tomorrow. Water saves lives. It also opens and multiplies possibilities for growth, provides quality in health, development in education, economic growth… it is the power of water.


AWA technology is the solution that will change the quality of life of humanity now and forever. Water is life. AWA is water.


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